
DICE Awards 2016...And the Winner is...?!

Tonight took place the 19th edition of the DICE Awards, which saw Fallout 4 dominate on all the other contestants winning three awards.
The Bethesda title has been recognised as game of the year, moreover Bethesda had the gratification to see Fallout Shelter awarded as best title for mobile devices.
Other title to achieve multiple awards were: RocketLeague, Ori and the blind forest and  The Witcher 3.
Here's the list of all the awards delivered to the various titles:

  • Action game of the year: Star Wars Battlefront
  • Fighting game of the year: Mortal Kombat X
  • Family game of the year: Super Mario Maker
  • Mobile game of the year: Fallout Shelter
  • Outstanding achievement in character: Lara Croft (Rise of the Tomb Raider)
  • Lifetime achievement: Satoru Iwata
  • Outstanding achievement in original music composition: Ori and the Blind Forest
  • Outstanding achievement in sound design: Star Wars Battlefront
  • Outstanding achievement in story: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Outstanding technical achievement: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Outstanding achievement in animation: Ori and the Blind Forest
  • Outstanding achievement in art direction: Ori and the Blind Forest
  • RPG and MMO game of the year: Fallout 4
  • Strategy and simulation game of the year: Heroes of the Storm
  • Hall of Fame inductee: Hideo Kojima
  • Sports game of the year: Rocket League
  • Racing game of the year: Forza Motorsport 6
  • Outstanding achievement in online gameplay: Rocket League
  • Handheld game of the year: Helldivers
  • Technical impact: Visual Basic (Microsoft)
  • Adventure game of the year: Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
  • Sprite award: Rocket League
  • Outstanding achievement in game design: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Outstanding achievement in game direction: Fallout 4
  • Game of the year: Fallout 4

Stanotte si è svolta la diciannovesima edizione dei DICE Awards che ha visto un titolo trionfare su
tutti e aggiudicarsi ben tre premi, stiamo parlando di Fallout 4.
Il titolo di Bethesda è stato, riconosciuto principalmente come il Gioco dell'anno, inoltre a Bethesda è arrivata anche la soddisfazione di aver visto Fallout Shelter riconosciuto come miglior titolo per dispositivi mobile.
Collezionano molteplici premi anche RocketLeague, Ori and the blind forest e The Witcher 3.

Eccovi la lista di tutti i premi consegnati ai vari titoli:

  • Action game of the year: Star Wars Battlefront
  • Fighting game of the year: Mortal Kombat X
  • Family game of the year: Super Mario Maker
  • Mobile game of the year: Fallout Shelter
  • Outstanding achievement in character: Lara Croft (Rise of the Tomb Raider)
  • Lifetime achievement: Satoru Iwata
  • Outstanding achievement in original music composition: Ori and the Blind Forest
  • Outstanding achievement in sound design: Star Wars Battlefront
  • Outstanding achievement in story: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Outstanding technical achievement: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Outstanding achievement in animation: Ori and the Blind Forest
  • Outstanding achievement in art direction: Ori and the Blind Forest
  • RPG and MMO game of the year: Fallout 4
  • Strategy and simulation game of the year: Heroes of the Storm
  • Hall of Fame inductee: Hideo Kojima
  • Sports game of the year: Rocket League
  • Racing game of the year: Forza Motorsport 6
  • Outstanding achievement in online gameplay: Rocket League
  • Handheld game of the year: Helldivers
  • Technical impact: Visual Basic (Microsoft)
  • Adventure game of the year: Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
  • Sprite award: Rocket League
  • Outstanding achievement in game design: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Outstanding achievement in game direction: Fallout 4
  • Game of the year: Fallout 4

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